Report. Improve. Succeed.

Are you complying with energy and carbon reporting requirements?

The UK government’s Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) policy was implemented on 1 April 2019, when the Companies (Directors’ Report) and Limited Liability Partnerships (Energy and Carbon Report) Regulations 2018 came into force.

The 2018 Regulations were introduced to increase private sector organisations’ awareness of their energy costs and provide data for improving energy efficiency, while giving stakeholders greater transparency. They require large unquoted companies that have consumed more than 40,000 kWh of energy (in the UK) to include energy and carbon information in their Directors’ Report, for any reporting period starting on or after 1 April 2019.

SECR aims to bring the benefits of energy and carbon reporting to more businesses, by providing a clear reporting framework focused on the economic and environmental benefits of energy efficiency, from reducing costs as well as carbon emissions, to increasing productivity. The framework is also in line with G20 recommendations on Climate-related Financial Disclosures as the world transitions to a sustainable, low carbon economy.

Who needs to comply with SECR?

  • Quoted companies of any size who already report under mandatory greenhouse gas reporting regulations.
  • Unquoted companies incorporated in the UK that meet the definition of ‘large’ under the Companies Act 2006, including registered and unregistered companies.
  • ‘Large’ Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs) are also be required to prepare and file a ‘Energy and Carbon Report’.

Unquoted companies and LLPs are defined as ‘large’ if they meet two of the following criteria in a reporting year:

  • Have a turnover of £36 million or more
  • Have a balance sheet of £18 million or more
  • Employ 250 people or more

Private sector organisations who fall outside the scope of SECR are still encouraged to report voluntarily, using a similar framework.

We’re here to help

Our expert team of qualified low carbon energy consultants can help you determine, measure and report on your energy and carbon impacts, in line with regulations including SECR. We’re experienced in identifying all the activities that contribute to environmental impacts business-wide, and quantifying the amount of energy used, against a measurable value of carbon emissions.


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