Legionella Risk Assessments

Assess. Act. Protect.

Are you safeguarding the health and wellbeing of people inside and outside your buildings?

The Health and Safety Executive’s (HSE) Approved Code of Practice (L8) recommends that a Legionella Risk Assessment should be carried out on water systems where there is an increased risk of Legionella bacteria growing and exposing people to Legionnaire’s disease. Employers and landlords are legally responsible for making sure Legionella Risk Assessments are carried out, and that any potential Legionella risks are eliminated or controlled.

What is Legionella and Legionnaire’s disease?

Low numbers of Legionella bacteria are often found in natural water sources including rivers, lakes, streams and reservoirs. The bacteria can also inhabit purpose-built hot and cold water systems including swimming pools and spas, as well as industrial infrastructure such as cooling towers and evaporative condensers. Legionella numbers can grow to dangerous levels in these types of settings, and pose a significant risk to human health. The bacteria thrives in stagnant water at temperatures between 20-45°C, nourished by nutrients from things like rust, scale, sediment and algae.

Legionnaire’s disease is caused by Legionella bacteria and is spread when people inhale contaminated water droplets. It is a potentially fatal form of pneumonia, particularly for people aged 45+ and those with existing health conditions.

We’re here to help

As independent specialists, our experienced water management engineers can help you carry out a thorough inspection of your hot and cold water systems. To identify and assess any potential Legionella risks, and if needed, put an effective prevention and control strategy in place. Ensuring you remain compliant with all relevant legislation and regulations, including HSE’s Approved Code of Practice (L8).

All our risk assessors are independently trained to a high standard with 3+ years of carrying out comprehensive risk assessments and audits on domestic, commercial and healthcare water systems. From swimming pools and spas, to industrial infrastructure and complex plant processes. Our services are registered by the Legionella Control Association, so you can be sure you’re in safe hands.

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Call: 0800 260 5935